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The Sector as a Whole The construction sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in the construction of buildings or engineering projects (e.g., highways and utility systems). Establishments primarily engaged in the preparation of sites for new construction and establishments primarily engaged in subdividing land for sale as building sites also are included in this sector. Construction work done may include new work, additions, alterations, or maintenance and repairs. Activities of these establishments generally are managed at a fixed place of business, but they usually perform construction activities at multiple project sites. Production responsibilities for establishments in this sector are usually specified in (1) contracts with the owners of construction projects (prime contracts) or (2) contracts with other construction establishments (subcontracts). Establishments primarily engaged in contracts that include responsibility for all aspects of individual construction projects are commonly known as general contractors, but also may be known as design-builders, construction managers, turnkey contractors, or (in cases where two or more establishments jointly secure a general contract) joint-venture contractors. Construction managers that provide oversight and scheduling only (i.e., agency) as well as construction managers that are responsible for the entire project (i.e., at risk) are included as general contractor type establishments. Establishments of the "general contractor type" frequently arrange construction of separate parts of their projects through subcontracts with other construction establishments. Establishments primarily engaged in activities to produce a specific component (e.g., masonry, painting, and electrical work) of a construction project are commonly known as specialty trade contractors. Activities of specialty trade contractors are usually subcontracted from other construction establishments, but especially in remodeling and repair construction, the work may be done directly for the owner of the property. Establishments primarily engaged in activities to construct buildings to be sold on sites that they own are known as operative builders, but also may be known as speculative builders or merchant builders. Operative builders produce buildings in a manner similar to general contractors, but their production processes also include site acquisition and securing of financial backing. Operative builders are most often associated with the construction of residential buildings. Like general contractors, they may subcontract all or part of the actual construction work on their buildings. There are substantial differences in the types of equipment, work force skills, and other inputs required by establishments in this sector. To highlight these differences and variations in the underlying production functions, this sector is divided into three subsectors. Subsector 236, Construction of Buildings, comprises establishments of the general contractor type and operative builders involved in the construction of buildings. Subsector 237, Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction, comprises establishments involved in the construction of engineering projects. Subsector 238, Specialty Trade Contractors, comprises establishments engaged in specialty trade activities generally needed in the construction of all types of buildings. Force account construction is construction work performed by an enterprise primarily engaged in some business other than construction for its own account and use, using employees of the enterprise. This activity is not included in the construction sector unless the construction work performed is the primary activity of a separate establishment of the enterprise. The installation and the ongoing repair and maintenance of telecommunications and utility networks is excluded from construction when the establishments performing the work are not independent contractors. Although a growing proportion of this work is subcontracted to independent contractors in the Construction Sector, the operating units of telecommunications and utility companies performing this work are included with the telecommunications or utility activities.

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Showing 9251–9300 of 13861 bids that are currently: Active.

Denotes bidding opportunities that have been amended

Ohio - US Due Date
Germantown Bike Lane
23 - Construction
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Jun. 06, 2024
Roads, Bridges, and Walkways \u2013 Douglas Pedestrian Bridge
23 - Construction
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Jun. 04, 2024
Adams Street & Riverside-Staunton Roundabout
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jun. 05, 2024
243005 Bikeways
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Aug. 23, 2024
US 50 Signal and Intersection Improvements: Benchmark River & Rail Terminal
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jun. 13, 2024
Bridge Replacement & Bridge Deck Rehabilitation
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jun. 04, 2024
240270 Four Lane Resurfacing
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jun. 13, 2024
240323 Two Lane Resurfacing
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jun. 13, 2024
240324 Spot Patching \/ Pavement Repair
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jun. 13, 2024
240325 Two Lane Resurfacing
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jun. 13, 2024
240326 Two Lane Resurfacing
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jun. 13, 2024
240327 Four Lane Resurfacing
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jun. 13, 2024
240328 Bridge Repair
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jun. 13, 2024
Multi-Township Resurfacing Program
23 - Construction
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Jun. 11, 2024
Chip Seal and Fog Seal Program
23 - Construction
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Jun. 04, 2024
Pedestrian Safety - Sidewalk Replacement
23 - Construction
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Jun. 04, 2024
Avery Road and Rings Road \/ Cara Road Interim Intersection Improvement Project
23 - Construction
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Jun. 12, 2024
Bridge Replacement
23 - Construction
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Jun. 04, 2024
North Marginal Road Connector Path
23 - Construction
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Jun. 08, 2024
Runway 5-23 Pavement Rehabilitation
23 - Construction
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Jun. 17, 2024
Replacement of Cygnet Road Bridge No. 6-3D over Ditch No. 2233
23 - Construction
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Jun. 04, 2024
Larchmont Ave. Resurface
23 - Construction
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Jun. 06, 2024
Birmingham Park Walking Path Improvements
23 - Construction
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Jun. 04, 2024
County and Township Roads Paving Project
23 - Construction
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Jun. 06, 2024
Planroom: Sunbelt Rentals Springfield, OH - curb
23 - Construction
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Jun. 11, 2024
Planroom: Sunbelt Rentals Springfield, OH - asphalt
23 - Construction
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Jun. 11, 2024
Crack Sealing and Road Preservation Program
23 - Construction
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Jun. 11, 2024
City of Oregon Sidewalk Project
23 - Construction
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Jun. 06, 2024
Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing Program
23 - Construction
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Jun. 13, 2024
Lexington Road Pavement Repair Project
23 - Construction
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Jun. 12, 2024
Chestnut Ridge Road Resurfacing
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jun. 13, 2024
Ross and Resor Sidewalk Project
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jun. 10, 2024
Sylvania Township Sylvania-Metamora Road Sidewalk Project
23 - Construction
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Jun. 07, 2024
County Line Road (CR 141) Reconstruction Project \u2013 Phase II
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jun. 12, 2024
Planroom: Bojangles Delaware, OH - paving
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jun. 26, 2024
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jun. 04, 2024
Planroom: Bojangles Zanesville, OH - paving
23 - Construction
(to see the full NAICS category code login  or  upgrade)
Jun. 14, 2024
Diamond Grooving
23 - Construction
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Jun. 03, 2024
Asphalt Resurfacing
23 - Construction
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Jun. 13, 2024
Belle Avenue Reconfiguration
23 - Construction
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Jun. 12, 2024
Roof Replacement at Severance Tower
23 - Construction
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Jun. 07, 2024
23 - Construction
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Jun. 03, 2024
McGuffey Hall Roof Replacement
23 - Construction
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Jun. 05, 2024
Girard Multi-Generational Center Gym Roof
23 - Construction
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Jun. 11, 2024
Planroom: Bojangles Delaware, OH - roofing
23 - Construction
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Jun. 26, 2024
Planroom: Bojangles Zanesville, OH - roofing
23 - Construction
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Jun. 14, 2024
Greenup Halon Replacement
23 - Construction
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Jun. 26, 2024
23 - Construction
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Jun. 06, 2024
Corporate: Project HiLight - Interior General Trades - Interior Signage
23 - Construction
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Jun. 04, 2024
Fenn and Marks Road Elevated Water Storage Tank Replacement
23 - Construction
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Jun. 14, 2024

Showing 9251–9300 of 13861 bids that are currently: Active.