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we take the legwork out of government bidding

User Help for - Viewing A Bid

As noted in the Registration Section, Free Account holders can view information on Federal Government bids for 14 days, Federal-Only customers can view federal bids, while Paid Account holders can also view state and local government bids.

After executing a search, clicking the bid title will take you to the bid details page for that particular bid.

Explanation of State, Federal, & Local Bid Details

The researchers at do their best to provide the basic details of a specific government bid and then link our users to the bid document and government entity requesting the bid responses. The specific details you will find in a bid are the following:

  • The bid title - Most of the time the title is copied directly from the listing government entity.
  • The bid category - This is the category that has assigned to the bid.
  • A hyperlink to the government entity - When available there will be a link to the government entity that is requesting the bid responses.
  • A hyperlink to the bid - Most of the time will link our users directly to the specific government bid. Sometimes this will be in the form of a PDF or Microsoft Word document. To view PDF files you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader. If it is not possible to link directly to the state bid, federal bid or local bid, users should go to the government entity and search for the bid using the title we have provided. Our researchers will provide contact information to the entity (when available) so that proper bid documents can be obtained.
  • End Date - The end date is the due date for all bid packet materials to be submitted to the government entity. only holds active bids in the database. Thus, once this date has been reached, the bid will no longer be found on our website. When actively bidding, users should track the specific bid on the government entity's website.
  • Details - Within the details of the government bid, users will find a further description of the bid beyond the bid title. When available, there will also be contact information to the government entity and specifics regarding the bid process.

Email a State Bid, Local Bid & Federal Bid to a friend

As a service to our users we allow you to email bid details to other parties that you think might have an interest in the bid. This can be done by clicking on the "Email this bid to a friend" link in the upper right corner of the bid details page.

Bid on a Contract

As a bid sourcing service, will assist our users in finding information about specific bids in their market area. However, once the bid is sourced, it is up to you to contact the procurment officer to bid on the contract.

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